Scipion, Paris 5e

The Hôtel Scipion Sardini is a magnificent 17th century building nestled in the heart of Paris’ 5th arrondissement; most recently it was owned by APHP and used to accommodate some of its executives. The property was sold as part of a broad-scale Parisian asset reduction policy to release new budgetary margins. The tender process was launched in collaboration with the Ville de Paris; it was open to all potential site usages provided that its heritage classification is respected.
The group of companies led by Ma for this project includes Steva, promoter-investor specialised in residences for senior citizens; Grahal, historic and heritage research consultants; and Michel Goutal, architecte en chef des monuments historiques (State-recognised architectural expert in historic monuments). The project is built around the proposition of a luxury residence with a range of integrated personal services, it will remain open to its urban surroundings and visitors, especially the accessible garden courtyard with its collection of citrus trees, the project will also involve a wide range of cultural events to be held in or near to the central kiosk.
Drawings : Martin Etienne
Key data
Developer and promoter
Retirement home and retail
Surface area
5,000 m²
13 rue Scipion
75005 Paris
AP-HP tender finalist